What is a Microchip Exactly?

A microchip is a device that is encased in a tiny glass cylinder and activates once scanned. This chip is about the size of a grain of rice and does not require batteries or power to work. When activated, the number assigned to the chip is transmitted to the scanner, identifying your pet immediately.

The sole purpose of microchipping your furry friend is to help find them if they become lost. Microchipping can not only help you avoid a lot of stress and heartache, but it could also save your pets’ life.

Does Microchipping Hurt My Pet?

The microchip is so small that placement will not hurt your pet in any way. Injecting a microchip should be no more painful for your pet than getting a routine vaccination. There is also no need for surgery or anesthesia for a microchip injection. If you are worried about their comfort, possible sedation options can be discussed. You may be relieved to know that microchipping is a simple procedure and can be performed during a regular checkup.

What Information is on the Microchip?

The microchip itself only contains the identification number. That number becomes valuable once it is cataloged in a pet registration database. Once your pet’s microchip ID number is in that database, you can attach it to any contact information you wish. This could be as simple as a phone number. However, the more data you provide about your pet, the better.

Will My Information be Protected?

You already know all the data that is being stored on the microchip, and the only information made public is for people who have found your pet so they can contact you immediately.

Any private information you provide is only accessible to you, so you won’t have to worry about it falling into the wrong hands. Microchip database companies place strict policies and technologies in place to help protect your sensitive information.

5 Reasons to Consider Microchipping Your Pet

Having your furry friend microchipped can provide peace of mind, among many other benefits. If you are still unsure about this procedure, continue reading to learn more!

  1. Microchips are permanent. While dog and cats collar do have name tags with valuable information on them, they can break, fall off, and your phone number and pet’s name can wear off. Because microchips are under the skin, they are designed to stay put.
  2. The microchip registration is proof of ownership. Because you provided your specific information when you registered your pet’s chip, there is no possible way to forge this information. This is significantly useful if your buddy is lost or stolen.

  3. Microchips increase the chances of safe return. Having your direct contact information and your pets’ unique identification number assigned to the chip greatly increases the chance that they will be returned if lost. Recent studies show that cats with microchips are 20 times more likely to be returned to their owners. Chipped dogs are returned 2.5 more than those unchipped.

  4. Some microchips have enhanced functionality capabilities. The technology of microchips is improving every day. Some manufactures have even been able to program the chip to open doggy doors when your dog approaches. This can help keep strays out and keep your buddy safely inside. Some chips also offer alerts when a pet becomes lost and even provides travel assistance for those who like to take their pets along on trips or holidays.

  5. Microchips can last a lifetime. Once implanted, your pet’s chip won’t break, fall off, or become lost. They are designed to withstand the test of time.

Keeping Your Furry Friend Safe in Hesperia!

Microchipping your pet is a great way to protect their safety. If you have any further questions about chips for your furry pal, contact Antony Animal Hospital today! Dr. Amal Zakhary (Dr. Amy) and her team want to help you protect your pet! Schedule a microchipping procedure today!

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Antony Animal Hospital | 16284 Main St, Hesperia, CA 92345 | Phone: (760) 947-0191